yep, that's my new haircut! Super easy! LOL!!
OK...a little background if any of you guys are interested. I use to have a pixie short haircut a LONG, LONG time ago....I finally was able to grow it out to about the middle of my back....the longest I've ever had my hair. I swore up and down if I could bare growing it out, I would NEVER cut it.....well never finally came. I was soooo tired of it. I always wore it up, I looked like a horse with a long mane, never did anything to it and the time it took to dry....OMG, eternity! So I decided to just go and get it cut just a little pass my shoulders. 10 inches later, I had a hair cut that I HATED!! I didn't go to my regular hairdresser thinking why the heck spend 60 bucks on a super easy cut. Bad idea....bless the lady's heart, she had no clue what I was trying to tell her.
So yesterday we went to Northpark Mall in Dallas. For you guys that aren't from here....that is the best mall! It's got everything you need.....even a wing just of little kids stores, it's awesome! We live in a smaller town just outside of Dallas and we felt we were in a different universe! LOL!!, I guess we are country bunkins!! Anywho, to get back to the story.....I had found the cutest hair cut on this model in an Anthropologie magazine and I saved the photos. I carried in my bag just incase I got a wild hair up my b*tt and decided to chop it all off. We where walking by Toni and Guy and I told my hubby, I should just go ahead and cut it off.....he actually didn't object. I guess he hated my new cut just as much as I did. I LOVE Tony and Guy....that's where I normally get my hair cut so I knew that I'd be in good hands. Well, and hour and a half later and a total of about 13 inches wacked off (from the 2 haircuts) later.....I have a new pixie hair cut! I LOVE it.....and seriously, I just wash it and put some pomeade in it and I'm's so cool!! It's not as short as I use to have it....I think if I wanted to grow it out, it'd be much easier this time around, but that won't be happening anytime soon. I actually feel like wearing something else other than sweatpants each day! LOL!!
Oh and the first cut....I saved my hair and I'm sending it to Locks of least something good came out of the first cut. =)
OK...enough about my hair.....I've been tagged by Frederique and Alana to list 6 things that make me happy. =)
1. My family and my friends are most definitely #1!
2. Ok, this may sound goofy....but photography. It's a great release for me and when I see that
I get that money shot, that makes me smile.
3. The TV show LOST! Strange huh? I love that show and I know it's an hour that I have on
Wednesdays to unwind....forget everything that needs to be done.
4. A clean house and all the laundry done! Heck YEAH!
5. When Gracie comes in our room and wakes us up in the morning....that's pure sweetness. =)
6. Excedrin Migraine...the only thing that works on my migraines.