Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Thank you everyone! =)

For your well-wishes.....that was so awesome of you guys! =) Last night was the worst....I tell ya! I have 2 areas on my body that just give me the chills if anyone talks about hurting them or surgery or anything....1.) My eyes! I will NEVER be able to wear contacts....NEVER! I can't even watch Grady put he's in without getting light in the tummy. 2.) My back......I'm very sensitive about my back.
Anywho.....yesterday was a wasted day completely....I got nothing done and whenever I could, I would just layed down and rest. Grady got home last night and I handed Gracie off to him like a football. I went straight to bed (7:00) and slept right through. Today, it's not as bad, but I still get that sudden pain every now and then. I think it's working its self out (crossing fingers)! Thank you for all the links to back exercises...I'm definitely going to do those and Jen for the gel stuff....I'm going to Whole Foods this weekend! =) I would love to be able to go to a doctor but that goes back to my back fetish thing......it scares me to death. =)

Anywho....nothing major happening around here.....Gracie is all set for Halloween tonight and it's a miracle that I still have candy left! I don't have to rush out and buy some more like I usually do. She's having a party today at school plus she's student of the week this week. She beams from ear to ear when she see her photo and about me page at school. Ha...and don't think I didn't put a good photo in there to drum up some business either.....I was 2 steps ahead of that! LOL!!

And guess what for all you PSE users....actions are coming your way! Woo-Hoo.....just keep checking back here and I'll have the info up for you guys. =) ETA: OK....I've just downloaded PSE 5.0 and have no clue where to start to record an action....anyone, Bueller? I've messed around and gotten some good ones but can't record them to save them. Can any of you PSE users lead me in the direction on how to do this? A surprise could possibly be in store for you! =) Here's just one that I did in PSE for a teaser but I just can't record my steps! Hee-Hee!
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I'm so ready to pull out all my Christmas stuff....would it be bad if I started this weekend? LOL!!! I just LOVE having all that stuff around me with the fireplace going....love it! =)
Oh, almost forgot...drumroll please (now I feel official)...my new logo! =)

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Designed by the wonderful and talented Erica Hernandez .

If you guys are in the market for a logo or some business cards....go check her out, she's awesome and soooo sweet to work with too. Tell her Brenda sent ya! =)

Monday, October 30, 2006

In some major pain here.....

Dear Lord...I don't wish a bad back on my worst enemy!

So.....yesterday I woke up to my back hurting on my right side and throughout the day...it gradually got worse (and going to the pumpkin patch and getting up and down didn't help one bit). I woke up this morning and it's 10x worse....I can't function. Grady had to take Gracie to school today.....I will walk and a shooting pain will just hit me and take my breathe away and sometimes make me feel like I need to head to the toilet and vomit, though I couldn't make it in time if I had too....I have to walk so slow. Call me Granny! LOL!!

I think I hurt it on Saturday when we took Gracie to the park to teach her to ride her bike without training wheels. I was trotting along side of her and I guess at a funny angle (because I was holding onto her), and I must have just tweaked it wrong. Anywho....I just wanted to let you guys know who have emailed me and stuff....I promise to get back to you ASAP.....right now, I'm just trying to relax it and take it easy. I guess it's time to admit, I'm getting old and falling apart! Thank goodness we can't be traded in for a new model huh? LOL!! =)

Friday, October 27, 2006


She's full of them....giggles all the time...left and right! Maybe we should change her middle name to Giggles! =) Miss Gracie Giggles.....hmmmmm?

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Just wanted to share and hopefully this will put a little smile on your face! =)
Have a wonderful weekend! =)

Thursday, October 26, 2006

No news today.....

just trying to play catch-up! I've got a ton of laundry to do.....and get this, you know when I listed 5 weird things about me and one of them was that I have to vaccum on Wednesday and Sundays....well guess what....I haven't vaccumed my house since last Sunday! Pretty WILD -N- CRAZY aren't I? LOL!! I haven't had the time and it's killing me....the dogs are bringing in dead leaves and grass and not to mention it's been raining for the past 2 days. Now you guys must think we live in Pigpen's house and Gracie has a puff of dirt that follows her where ever she goes! =)

Anywho...here's a couple from the last few days. I can't decide if I like the b/w or the color in this one...what do you guys think? I may use it as my Splash Page image. =)

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With the first one, I used my Color Boost and added an color burn duplicate layer and adjusted the opactiy to like 35%. The other is just with my B/W 2 action. =)

And inside because it started to rain...

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She was telling me the famous "Knock, Knock Banana Joke!" Remember that one? =)
Tomorrow is picture day at school....Heaven help us! =)

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

We are proud to announce the arrival of.....

Kim Possible, Ron Stoppable and Oscar! LOL!!

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HeeHee....I bet you thought something else with that sneaky title! LOL!!

Gracie got some new pets this weekend and yes, she named them too. The gold snail is Kim Possible, the blue one is Ron Stoppable and the fish is Oscar. We've had some Beta fish before but I never knew you could put them in with snails....a little Jeopardy tit-bit info for ya. =)
I think we liking watching the snails...yes, pretty pathetic I know! Oscar came with some serious baggage, he usually just hides in the treasure chest most of the time, so he's got issues he needs to work out. The snails are total partiers like it's 1999....they sleep all day and then around 8ish at night, the liven' up and are all over that tank. LOL!! =) Who knew snails could be fun?

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

I just wanted to say THANK YOU

to everyone that has bought my actions....you guys are soooo awesome...I can't even put it in writing on how blown away I am! =)

So THANK YOU so much....and please if you have any questions, just give me a holler at Bleann@msn.com. =)

I also wanted to let you know that on my action blogger (look in my Photoshop links) I'm going to posting some photos using them and what exactly I did to acheive that look. I have some up right now, so go and check it out. =)

Thanks again everyone....you all ROCK! =)
OH and for you PSE users....keep checking back here, I'm still planning on trying to do a little something for you girls too. =)

Monday, October 23, 2006

From this weekend.....

another mini session. =) I want to enter her into the babygap contest and here's what we have. =) I know the rules are you can only use contrast so I'm going to have to go back and redo these, but I'm probably going to order some for my walls so I did "my" thing to them. =)

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And then I snap these....she LOVES to read (or at least pretend too)! =)

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Also, I have a new link to my actions (look in my Photoshop goodies sidebar) and I'll post photos there that I've used them on (I did with all the photos above). =)

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Bad to the Bone!

Does she look at mean and nasty? LOL!! =)

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Lin an Dax...I thought you'd get a kick of seeing this! She thinks she'll all that and more now! =)

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I hope everyone is having a great weekend! =)

Friday, October 20, 2006

Some more examples....

of my actions. =)

Here's the SOOC, just sized for web...

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Everyone have a great weekend! =)

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Well low and behold....

I actually got something done on time! LOL!! I just decided to do 3 actions....my black and white 2, color boost and a custom vingette. You get all 3 for 10.00 and don't forget with the color boost I have it where you can take it a step further and do a vintage wash...so basically 4 actions for 10.00....deal or no deal? LOL!! =) Here's some more examples for ya.....
I'll post another photo tomorrow with the vingette...this one has it but my fence is so faded out and with that huge white spot, it probably wasn't the best photo to use as an example...sorry. =)

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I have them so they are very tweakable...like with my first b/w action so you can make them your own.

Sorry guys...they aren't PSE workable but I'm trying to do something for you so stay tuned! =)

And don't forget to scroll down a bit to check out the vintage wash. =)

If you like what you see...please send paypal payments to Bleann@msn.com. I will email them to you within 24 hours...usually quite less unless I'm sleeping! LOL!!

Thanks so much everyone! =)
Oh...and for you guys that have emailed me....I'll get back with you tomorrow. Right now, my bed is calling my name! LOL!! =)

Working on the action set...

I just wanted to give you guys an example of what I have for a new black and white action! =)

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And my color boost...

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And this action has a little something extra for you....you can create a vintage look too. =)

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So, what do you guys want....anothe b/w action or a vingette actions? Any thoughts? =)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Thank you....

for all the wish you wells....yes, tooth aches suck! And I would much rather go through a 13-hour labor again then go to the dentist! I had horror stories with dentists so I have a mental thing with them. I don't think I was ever numb enough when they started doing work. But the one I go to now is awesome....he numbs me like no tomorrow and that's just fine with me! =)

OK...let's get on with what I did with the self-portraits shots:

I shot them in manual with settings of ss 1/125, 3.2 and iso 200. I set it up on a tripod and I made Gracie stand on a chair where I would stand (if I was in the picture) and I focused on her....set the timer and jumped into place. If you can, close up your f-stop that way if you aren't right in the spot that you set your focus on or on a different plain...you'll have a better chance of getting everything in focus (hence the 3.2). =)

Also, some of you asked about my backdrop and how I make it black. It's a queen size black sheet from Wal-Mart! LOL!! In photoshop....I just add an adjustment layer in curves...click on the black eyedropper and then click on the black bg in the photo. Usually that will make the rest of the photo a bit dark...just pull up the middle of the curves and that should do the trick. =)
ETA: I use the BIG white foam boards that you can get from Hobby Lobby for my white bgs. I don't use a white sheet....it's much harder to photoshop the wrinkles out than in a black one. =)
As far as the set up....I have 2 big windows in that room and I have them directly facing them and my back is to the windows, just flat on front lighting. =)
OH...I forgot about the skirt....don't you love it? =) I got it on ebay....yes Jeanette from the same seller that Amy mentioned. Her name is lacypetti and she has a ton of them. I did a search on ebay and really couldn't find a lot and so I snagged it up quick. I think I paid a BIN price of 35.00 and 10.00 shipping (she's from Canada) and honestly...I was watching some of them and they were selling well above 50.00 (and that's not including shipping) so if you see a BIN price of 35.00....that's about the cheapest you'll pay. =) Also, the waist is adjustable so Gracie will get a lot of wear from it too. =)
I tried to look at the actual maker's site (Sam Squaredance) but it was confusing to me so I quickly jumped outta there! LOL!! I'm not sure if they sell retail or wholesale and what the prices are but if you want...google Sam Squaredance and check it out. =)
Oh and one more thing....I'm so forgetfull lately (see why I need "to do" lists)! LOL!!
I'm trying to make a little extra money for Christmas and I was thinking of making some actions....another b/w and maybe 2 colored ones and selling them for like 10.00...would you guys be interested in them? Just want to get a feel to see if anyone would purchase them? Or...maybe you guys can let me know what you would like and I can make actions from your requests? Any thoughts? =)
Yes, I need to post a photo...what would my blog be without a photo? LOL!! I haven't played much so only one today. =)
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Ok...maybe 2! =)

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Monday, October 16, 2006

Hey girls....

I'm not trying to blow you all off......it's been one of those days that you plan to do all this stuff (ie: posting info on how to do the self-portraits being one of them many items on my "to do" list) and what do you know...I get a horrible tooth ache. Needless to say, the dentist and I are having a visit tomorrow morning but in the meantime I've got meds and they are making me loopy! =)
So hopefully tomorrow depending on if my mouth feels like it's falling off my face, I'll post what I did....cool? =) Thanks girls! =)

Friday, October 13, 2006

Lots to post today! =)

Well, Miss Tina has tagged me to list 5 weird things about myself. =) It's hard to list them because I know I have a ton of odd things that I do, but I think it's normal KWIM? I'm sure you all will think I really need therapy after you read them! LOL!!

1. I vaccum my house every Wednesdays and Sundays! It never fails...it has to be those days. And if for some reason I don't do it....I feel weird about it. LOL!!

2. I honestly think that I can sing! You all have seen those people on American Idol that try out and the judges have this complete dumb-founded look on their face like "what on earth are they smokin"?" That's me....I sound good to myself but to others, I sound like a bandsaw! =)

3. I cannot...I stress cannot sleep with socks on! =)

4. I'm a list maker freak....I write to-do lists all the time...I write a to-do list to write a to-do list! LOL!!

5. I LOVE peanut butter, jelly and banana sandwichs! Hmm Hmm GOOD! =)

So, now you guys know I'm a complusive/obessive person! Please send money to my paypal account so I can afford to go to a doctor and get some help! LOL!! =)

Now...hmmm, who am I going to tag? I think:

Now, I can't post without posting photos! =) We got Gracie's Sam Squaredance skirt in the mail the other day and I LOVE it! I want one.....I picture myself vaccuming on Wednesdays and Sundays wearing it! LOL!! Just call me Mrs. Cleaver! =)

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And...drumroll please! All you guys that asked for a self-portrait about a decade ago (ok,maybe not that long)...well here ya go! The best I can do...it's hard to set up and do all that stuff and then run in front of the camera! =)

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And of course...Gracie got in on the action! =)

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Notice how SMALL they are....HEE-HEE! =)

Everyone have a wonderful weekend! =)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Some recents....

Just sharing some recents....having fun, playing with colors and b/w's. =)

OH....here's my b/w action again because some of you guys mentioned that you missed the link.

Brenda's B/W action

Thanks for all your wonderful comments too.....it' means a ton to me.

Now, onto the photos! LOL!!

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Look at that air! LOL!!

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Gracie's Halloween costume for this year (think Amanda and Maddy)! =)

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Some of you guys asked about the Christmas cards templates.....here are a couple of my favs and the links to them:

Melissa Davis Card Templates

The password is cards What's cool about Melissa's is that you can just buy the ones that you want. =)

Jinky's New Holiday Cards

I also like Diana's Hall's cards too (soon to be purchased by me)! =)

Diana's Cards

You can't go wrong with any of them....heck, buy them all! LOL!! =)

Monday, October 09, 2006

Christmas Card Templates.....

You just gotta love Jinky and her card templates! =)

This is from her new Holiday 2006 line....ADORABLE!

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I'll probably add some of my own personal touches to it but how cute is it just like it is? =)

Saturday, October 07, 2006

Just having some goofy fun.....

I guess my action reached it's limit so here it is again for you guys that missed it. =)

Brenda's B/W Action

Here's a couple of just fun ones.....pushing my 30mm to the limit and trying to get my creative juices flowing again (I'm not so sure it's working). =)
I envisioned the cutest shot with little flowers all in Gracie's hair but to get her....MISS PRISS, who HATES to be dirty, to lay in grass is like pulling teeth! LOL!! This one was the only half decent one that turned out...the rest she had a horrible look on her face! =)

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You guys have a great rest of the weekend! =)

Friday, October 06, 2006

A mini session with Gracie....

First off.....here's the link so you can download my action for all you guys that have asked about it. =)

Brenda's B/W Action

I had a little mini session with Gracie Bug and I just let her be her own goofy self...I didn't give her any direction and I honestly like what I got better than when I do give her some pointers. It's just so her.....loopiness and all! LOL!! It's nice to have photos like this so I can look back and remember her at this age. I know if I show her these when she's 14, she'll want me to burn them. LOL!!

WARNING....an overload of photos! =)

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The classic "Monstor Face!" =)

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America's Next Top Model.....NOT! LOL!!

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My favorite! =)

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And the classic "Are we done yet?" pose! LOL!!
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And I'm not sure what she doing here...maybe her take on a reindeer or a moose? I have no clue! =)

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Thanks for taking a peek everyone! Have a wonderful weekend! =)